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Health, Emotion, Anxiety, and Trauma Lab

In the Health, Emotion, Anxiety and Trauma Lab, we study:

  • Mechanisms by which psychological disorders contribute to medical problems and health risk behaviors (e.g., substance use)
  • Roles of stress, anxiety, and trauma-related disorders on physical health, particularly migraine and other chronic pain conditions
  • Cognitive-emotional mechanisms (e.g., emotion dysregulation, attentional processing, and anxiety sensitivity) that may underlie psychological factors and physical health

Current projects

  • An exploratory examination of cognitive and emotional factors in the relation between posttraumatic stress disorder and physical health
  • Emotion regulation as a mediator of the relation between posttraumatic stress disorder and physical health

Undergrad and graduate students who are well suited for the Health, Emotion, Anxiety, and Trauma Research Lab are interested in health-related psychological research. For more information, please contact Dr. Mike McDermott via email or stop by Girard Hall 313D.