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Psychophysiology Laboratory

The Psychophysiology Laboratory was lead by Dr. Lynch, but is no longer active following her retirement.

Here are examples of the conference presentations from the Psychophysiology Lab:

  • Protti, T. A., Nelson, R. K., & Lynch, C. S.  (June, 2015).  Gender differences in sexual attraction during exposure to natural human pheromones.  Poster presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience, Asilomar, California.
  • Nelson, R. K., Protti, T. A., & Lynch, C. S.  (August, 2016).  The effects of sexual orientation and human sweat exposure on men's perceptions of sexual attraction.  Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience, Montreal,     Quebec, Canada.
  • Protti, T. A., Nelson, R. K, & Lynch, C. S.  (August, 2016).  Effects of pheromones and sexual orientation on sexual attraction in women.  Poster presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Psychophysiology Lab