Lori Romero Bio
• In addition to teaching at UL Lafayette, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor; my practice focuses primarily on Family Court issues (child custody and divorce)
• Most of the work I do is by Court appointment
• I have been qualified as expert in my field as licensed professional counselor in two Judicial District Family Courts - the 15th and the 27th
• I am collaborating with non-profit entities and other professionals in identifying variables which could ultimately reduce negative outcomes for children caught in the crossfire of high conflict divorce. I am currently involved in research in this area right now.
• One of the many amazing things about this University, and my position as Senior Instructor of Psychology, is that it not only allows but also encourages its employees to embody their passion for the good of society and to work with the community, but also allows me to utilize all of my strengths and abilities: I have begun to work with University and Community agencies in advocating for mental health and community needs. Being a bridge of change is an amazing experience - many opportunities exist in this area as well.