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Student and Faculty Research Represented at Two International Conferences Over Memorial Day Weekend

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Members of the Psychology Department traveled to Boston and Denver recently to present their research. Participants at the Association for Psychological Science conference in Boston included current senior Melanie Schanke, who presented a poster on research she conducted as part of Dr. Amy Brown's research lab; recent graduate Nadia Khansa (B.S. 2017), who also worked with Dr. Brown; recent graduate and incoming graduate student Raven Douglas (B.S. 2017), who presented research she had conducted as a McNair scholar working with Dr. Mike McDermott; Dr. Hung-Chu Lin; and Dr. Robert Michael.

Dr. Emily Sandoz and several members of her research lab (Garrett Cantu, Rebecca Copell, Caleb Fogle, Madison Gamble, Alyson Giesemann, Jonah McManus, Meagan Perkins, Tracy Protti, Owen Rachal, Victoria Summers, and Rebecca Tacke) traveled to Denver to present research at the Association for Behavior Analysis International conference.

Congratulations to all of these individuals for working hard to represent the Psychology Department.