Psychology Pre-Med Career Opportunities
Note that the Pre-med Concentration is intended for those who wish to graduate with a degree in PSYC and go on to Medical School to become a physician. The Medical School admissions procedure is demanding. Students planning to apply to medical school should familiarize themselves with the process early, probably by the end of thier sophomore year. The Association of American Medical Colleges has excellent information on Medical School, including information on the applicaiton process and the MCAT exam.
Although many people who choose Psyc Pre-Med are interested in Psychiatry, the pre-med concentration is a good choice for all areas of medicine. Those who wish to pursue a career in Psychiatry should note that psychiatrists are in high demand in clinics and are principally responsible for assessing and addressing the physical needs of the psychiatric patient, as well as meeting and overseeing the psychological team who usually carries out the assessment, therapy and behavioral management of the patient.
Alternatively, a student who desires a career where they work more intently with a clinical patient may want to consider Clinical or Counseling Psychology. That track does not involve the rigors of pre-med curriculum, but nevertheless does require a high overall and PSYC GPA to get into Graduate School for training for the profession.
Careers in allied health feilds, including Physicians Assistant, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy require special considerations. These schools have special requirements that may not be met by strictly following either the Psychology or Psychology Pre-Med curriculum.