Psychology Pre-Med Critical Courses
There are a number of sequences within the Psych Pre-Med curriculum, wherein students must successfully complete a given course before going on to another specific course. See the University's on-line catalog for course titles and description.
Math: Students must complete a Trigonometry course (MATH 143, MATH 110, or MATH 210), which must be passed before students can take Physics, and STAT 214, which must be passed with a C or better before students can enroll in PSYC 315, which is then a pre-requisite for either PSYC 415 or PSYC 442. Both of these courses have College Algebra (MATH 103, 105, or 109) as a pre-requisite. Although a College Algebra course will not technically apply to a student's degree, it is a necesary pre-requistie for most students.
* Students who qualify for MATH 143 (Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry) do not need to take seperate Algebra and Trigonometry classes.
Physics: After passing trigonometry (MATH 143, 110, or 210), students can start on their physics sequence: PHYS 207 must be passed before students can take either PHYS 208 or PHYS 215; PHYS 208 must be passed before students can take PHYS 216.
Biology: Students must take the following courses in this order: BIOL 110 (which has an English pre-requisite), BIOL 111, BIOL 220 or 230
Chemistry: Students must take the following courses in this order: CHEM 107 (or 105; both have a Math pre-requisite), CHEM 108 (or 106). CHEM 231, CHEM 232, CHEM 317.
As such, it is imperitive that students start on Math in their first semester. In most semesters, it will be necessary to take multiple science classes at the same time.